Did you make a fitness New Year’s resolution? I’m guessing that a lot of people did just based on the number of patients I’ve already seen in my office this month with overuse injuries from a new training program. And I’m proud of FB - The 10 Woman reading magazinesmyself so far for sticking to my training and nutrition goals so far…but it’s only been three full weeks! If you are starting a new training program, good luck! Maybe one of the articles below will motivate you or offer some information to keep you healthy!


Sports Medicine
More and more athletes are turning to alternative treatments for pain and injuries, including stem cells. NFL athletes are seeking unproven stem cell treatments in Medical News Today

Alterations in sleep might signal an athlete is having a longer recovery from a concussion. Sleep Disturbance and Neurocognitive Function During the Recovery From a Sport-Related Concussion in Adolescents by Regina O. Kostyun, MSEd, ATC, Matthew D. Milewski, MD, and Imran Hafeez, MD in The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Are eggs bad for you? Ask Well: How Many Eggs Can I Eat? by Anahad O’Connor in The New York Times

10 tips for better sleep: Sport sleep coach’s top tips to improve your slumber by Gary Morley in CNN

Exercise and Fitness
In defense of running on treadmills: 21 Reasons the Treadmill Doesn’t Have to Suck by Maria Hart in greatist.com

Study finds that yoga offers similar cardiovascular benefits to other forms of exercise: Yoga comparable with walking, biking to improve cardiovascular risk by Hannah Nichols in Medical News Today

Social Media and Communication
Does your Twitter profile stand out? How to Make Your Twitter Profile Stand Out by Neil Patel in Social Media ExaminerTweet button on computer

Tips on communicating better: Infographic: How to communicate better at work by Kristin Piombino in ragan.com

The consequences of constantly switching from task to task: The Brain’s Fast Mode by Leo Babauta in zenhabits.net

Great tips for saying no more often (which we should!): Reject Every Option That Isn’t at Least a 90 Out of 100 by Chris Guillebeau in chrisguillebeau.com