When many athletes roll their ankle, they assume it’s a simple ankle sprain and try to keep going. In this Ask Dr. Geier video, I discuss when it might be worth trying to test it out and play through a sprained ankle and when it might be worth seeing a medical professional.

I was playing basketball with my friends at a sleepover. I’m in 8th grade, and I rolled my ankle when I was dunking and landed on it wrong. I play baseball, and my coaches don’t want excuses. What should I tell them? I can barely walk, and we run a lot in baseball this year.

Ankle sprains are the most common injury to result from inversion injuries to the ankle. Unfortunately, other, more serious injuries can occur too.

Man wraps ankle to play through a sprained ankle

In this video, I discuss some signs that the injury could be more serious. I also discuss the idea of trying to play through it and how getting it checked by an athletic trainer, physical therapist, doctor or orthopedic surgeon can often be a better place to start.

Also read:
What can be done for repeated ankle sprains?
Ankle sprains: Mechanism of injury, diagnosis and initial treatment

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