In recent videos, I have shown you haw you can use blood flow restriction training to get bigger and stronger as well as how you can do it safely without fancy machines. Now let’s talk about a hot topic in the rehab world – the use of blood flow restriction to recover muscle strength, decrease pain and improve function after injuries.

In this video, I explain why blood flow restriction has become so popular in physical therapy for ACL injuries and knee replacements. I show you some blood flow restriction exercises you can do on your own to build muscle strength and decrease pain related to injuries so you can get back to what you love to do.

Also read:
Tips to recover from your workout
5 tricks to overcome delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

Recommended Products and Resources

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Due to a large number of questions I have received over the years asking about products for health, injuries, performance, and other areas of sports, exercise, work and life, I have created an Amazon Influencer page. While this information and these products are not intended to treat any specific injury or illness you have, they are products I use personally, have used or have tried, or I have recommended to others. THE SITE MAY OFFER HEALTH, FITNESS, NUTRITIONAL AND OTHER SUCH INFORMATION, BUT SUCH INFORMATION IS DESIGNED FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THE CONTENT DOES NOT AND IS NOT INTENDED TO CONVEY MEDICAL ADVICE AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS INFORMATION AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR, NOR DOES IT REPLACE, PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. THE SITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACTIONS OR INACTION ON A USER’S PART BASED ON THE INFORMATION THAT IS PRESENTED ON THE SITE. Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.