I have been working really hard this year on a project that I think will help and excite many of you – especially if you are involved GEN The 10 - Tablet hand tappingin some aspect of healthcare and the care of athletes and athletic people. Whether you are a doctor, athletic trainer, physical therapist, strength and conditioning trainer or just like to learn more about injuries, treatment, and prevention strategies, you might like it. Stay tuned for more information…

Let’s get to the great articles this week!


Sports Medicine
My friend Mike Hopper’s thoughts on the “Ask not what your country can do for you” debate with NATA and athletic trainers: What Has the NATA Done? by Mike Hopper in Athletic Training and Fitness

Another study shows that exercise is necessary to keep lost weight off: How Weight Training Can Help You Keep the Weight Off by Gretchen Reynolds in The New York Times

Does eating “comfort food” improve your mood? The Myth of Comfort Food by Jan Hoffman in The New York Times

Very early findings on a supplement to decrease appetite: Could a Supplement Prevent Weight Gain? by Randy Dotinga in WebMD

Exercise and Fitness

I’ve seen all of these mistakes! The 7 Most Common Workout Mistakes Beginners Make by Linda Melone in Huffington Post

I’m not even sure what to say about this treadmill video… Try and Tell Us the Treadmill Is Boring After Watching This Video by Jeff Cattel in greatist.com

Youth SportsKids soccer
Instead of focusing on outcomes and stats, young athletes should concentrate on smaller, more manageable goals. How to Handle Expectations That Hurt Sports Kids’ Confidence by Patrick Cohn in youthsportspsychology.com

Do video games increase risky behaviors? Effects of racing games on risky driving behaviour, and the significance of personality and physiological data by Mingming Deng, Alan H S Chan, Feng Wu, Jun Wang in BMJ

Tips for parents to get work done at night: The Post-Bedtime Ritual of Successful Working Parents by Laura Vanderkam in fastcompany.com

I love ideas 1, 4, 7 and 8! 10 Powerful Ways to 10X Your Performance Starting Right Now by Peter Economy in Inc.